feel a little more primitive
Took my raw otter hide to the country where I hunt,,wasn't sure the creek would even be flowing as it typically dries up almost entirely except for the deeper pools. Found a piece of sandstone shaped...
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Wish you had a picture of it.. I've never tanned any otter or seen any for that matter....take that back, I did see an otter quiver.. beautiful dark chocolate fur.. awesome. good luck with the...
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I'll post a pic of it when the quiver is done or nearly so. right now it's just an ugly, inside-out, raw otter hide that needs some work before I turn it right-side out. didn't put anything in it...
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Sonny, if you mess with the fur skin while it is rawhide parts can crack and break off.. but maybe some would think that was primitive! Not me! I learned from deerskins about drying them before...
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"if you mess with the fur skin while it is rawhide parts can crack and break off" , huh,whaaat ??it's a raw otter hide that's been thoroughly washed and partially broken. it's nothing like a stiff...
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I see, it is hard to 'get' what someone else 'knows' by just reading a few lines. Sorry.
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Show us a picture when you get it done."The world needs both perfume-makers and tanners; happy is he who is born to be a perfume-maker, woe is he who is born to be a tanner."
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i remember you had some otter hides back in the "old" days ,do you get many of these?? if so a trade perhaps?? bryan
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